BHC Addresses Planning Commission For New Med-Act Facility In Shawnee

Original Article by Shawnee Mission Post
Image: The Shawnee Planning Commission on Monday advanced a final plat for a new Johnson County Med-Act facility on Midland Drive in the south-central part of the city. Currently, the countywide emergency response agency operates 17 stations. Above, ambulance crews respond to a fire in Shawnee in February. File photo credit Mike Frizzell.
Johnson County Med-Act, the countywide emergency responder, is planning to add a new facility on Midland Drive in south-central Shawnee.
Located on a little more than an acre of green pasture in the 16300 block of Midland Drive, the future facility will house a few ambulances and county emergency responders.
After a brief discussion, the Shawnee Planning Commission on Monday voted 8-0 to approve a final plat for the project. Commissioners Carrie Bingham, John Montgomery and Carol Norman were absent.
The Shawnee City Council is slated to consider the item Dec. 13.
Commissioner Kathy Peterson raised concerns about traffic in and out of the facility.
City staff noted that they determined the project should not negatively impact traffic in the area. The site is already zoned for professional office use.
BHC attended the planning commission meeting as the applicant representative for Johnson County. Mike Makris, P.E., addressed questions by the commission.
“Regarding the question of the number of ambulances, the current plan is to construct bays for two ambulances. There is a possibility or there will be a plan for future expansion for a third garage. Staff conditions are no more than four staff in building and possibly an additional staff being a Battalion Chief.”
City staff will review a site plan for the project at a later date.
Johnson County Med-Act serves all cities within Johnson County. According to the county, Med-Act currently operates 17 emergency response stations and employs 140 people.
A recording of the meeting is below and on the city website. Discussion begins at 17:29.