What You Need To Know About The SS4A Grant

On May 16, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced grant opportunities as part of the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program. The grant program has been authorized by the 2021 Infrastructure and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The DOT will award a total of $1 billion for the 2022 fiscal year. The following is a brief synopsis of this wide-ranging grant program.
To improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries. This is to be accomplished through the development of a comprehensive safety action plan and then the implementation of the features of the plan. Both the plan and its implementation are to be focused on all roadway users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal conveyance and micromobility users, and commercial vehicle operators.
Counties, cities, towns, and transit agencies or other special districts that are subdivisions of a State; Federally recognized Tribal governments; Metropolitan planning organizations; and Multijurisdictional groups comprised of these entities are eligible to apply. State DOTs are not eligible for a grant but may partner with one or more of the eligible entities. An eligible entity can only be an applicant on ONE application within the fiscal year.
September 15, 2022 – All grant applications must be submitted by 4:00 PM CDT. The application is only available through https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=340385.
There are two types of grants — Action Plan Grants and Implementation Grants. In order to be eligible for an Implementation Grant, the applicant must have an Action Plan. Both types require a 20% match by the applicant.
If the answer is YES to one or more of the following questions, then this may be the opportunity to address these issues.
- Does the community have a history of a significant number of fatal or serious injury traffic incidents, especially compared to its population?
- Does the community have non-vehicular roadway users who are vulnerable to serious injury or death?
- Has the community expressed concerns about the safety of roadway users, both vehicular and non-vehicular?
- Does the community practice outreach to all roadway users concerning safety issues with its street network?
- Has the community developed a plan that addresses the need to improve the safety of all roadway users on its street network?
Must complete Grants.gov registration process BEFORE submitting the final application, which takes 2-4 weeks. Again, the final application is due by 4 PM CDT on September 15, 2022.
Must have or obtain Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number. Takes 4 weeks +/- to obtain UEI Register with System for Award Management (SAM) at www.SAM.gov.
Prior to applying for the Implementation Grant, use Table 2: Self-Certification Eligibility Worksheet to insure the existing plan is substantially similar to the Action Plan.