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Fiber to the Home (FTTh)


FTTH Design in Meridian, ID

FTTH Design in Meridian, ID

For the FTTH Design project in Meridian, ID, BHC performed the Fiber to the Home (FTTH) design and related services for the residents of approximately 80,000 homes. Services include validating and correcting address data for input to auto design tools; perform constructability review of the design path including side of the road; aerial/buried and vault/cabinet placements; performing all joint use pole design and applications for aerial runs; providing fiber allocation and splicing designs; performing quality control checks on all work; and providing construction packages. In addition, BHC is responsible for obtaining construction permits including specific traffic control designs, as required for the FTTH Design in Meridian, ID project. BHC is utilizing both office and field ESRI GIS applications for geodatabase inclusion and FM system management ability by the customer for the life of the network. 

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