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Construction Services

Asphalt Overlays


I-35 Tied Overlay Inspection

I-35 Tied Overlay Inspection

The I-35 Tied Overlay project combines two projects in Franklin and Miami County, KS. The first started at the Franklin/Miami County line and went northeast to the Miami/Johnson County line. The second began 8.5 miles north of the south I-35/US-59 junction northeast to the Franklin/Miami County line. These projects are an overlay of a concrete interstate with a reflective crack interlayer, with 85,000 tons of asphalt and 208,500 FT of wet recoverable striping. This KDOT coordinated project consisted of two asphalt plants, two asphalt crews, and two inspection crews working simultaneously. Established traffic control for both northbound and southbound I-35 with multiple crews working to complete the project. 

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